Our goal is to make one of the best-looking games on whatever system you play it on.” When asked about PC requirements and specifications, he responded with the following “When we get closer to the game’s release date and all our features have been completed and optimized, the game will go through extensive performance testing across a wide range of PC hardware so we can ensure our requirements and recommended specs are accurate. “The 4A Engine has been updated with numerous features, optimizations and improvements that you’ll see manifest in both PC and console versions. In terms of graphics, fans were told that the game would look gorgeous and would not disappoint on any platform. But we’ll keep you posted if things change.” While that would be an interesting feature, the rep said that it was “very unlikely for a variety of complex reasons. Many levels can be completed without having to engage the enemy by utilizing your stealth skills.” One question asked whether there would be a level editor or not. Some levels are very open and require the player to explore their way through to find a way to continue.

However, a number of levels have been designed specifically to encourage exploration / player choice and have multiple routes through them (similar to Black, Outpost and Frontline from the first game). “ campaign will progress in a linear fashion similar to Metro 2033.

The game’s structure was also asked about, and a response was made. We recognized this as one of our flaws last time around and it is definitely an area we are putting a lot of focus on… we’re focusing on explaining how the dual ammo economy works better to the player.” There are also materials that bullets will pass through, and some flammable materials.” He also stated that they “have been hard at work to redesign the user interface, HUD, and controls.

For example the shelving with boxes you saw in the demo. There are standalone items in the environment that can be fully destroyed. “Destruction is not structural, but designed to enhance strategic decision making when approaching certain situations… Destruction in Metro: Last Light is consistent with this across all destructible materials considered part of the structure of the environment (i.e. The destruction engine has been on a lot of people’s minds since they saw the demo, and he expanded on how it would work. We’re still tweaking the specifics – we want it to be better than ever.” “We are definitely planning to have some kind of Ranger Hardcore mode, as we know how much you loved it in Metro 2033. Those of you who loved the HUD-less and realistic Ranger Hardcore mode from Metro 2033 are in luck, as it’s returning.

Of course, that’s not to say gamers looking for a challenge will be left out. This makes sense, as the vast majority of modern shooters have adopted this melee mechanic. It’s changed from a selectable weapon to “a context sensitive ‘melee’ button – a significant change from Metro 2033! Context sensitive attacks include basic melee, a stealth execute (as shown in our E3 2011 demo), and we are also experimenting with a stealth knock-out”. He started off by answering a question regarding the game’s knife. However, it appears you can trust an official representative from the development team, who was able to answer many of the fans’ questions towards the game on the official forums. It can be hard knowing who to trust, especially in post-apocalyptic Russia after a nuclear war, as is the case with 4A games’ upcoming sequel Metro: Last Light.